Chase in Sex Ed

Meet Chase Cramer

Trans Man, Sex Educator & Social Media Influencer

Meet Chase Cramer, he’s the trans man with a plan to make sex education more accessible and inclusive for all!

Chase is looking for organizations, businesses, and other individuals to help him spread inclusive sex education.

Social Media Content Creation Services

Social Media Influencer

Chase Cramer of ChaseinSexEd offers social media content creation services for inclusive sexual health industry leaders whom provide products or services that benefit others.

Private 1-on-1 Sex Toy Buying Guidance

Sex Toy Consultations

Chase offers one-on-one consultations to help you select the very best sexual health products for your specific needs, free from the pressure of in-store sex toy shopping.

Spread Inclusive Sex Education with Swag

Shop to Show Your Support

Show your support for ChaseinSexEd by purchasing ChaseinSexEd swag merch to help Chase Cramer spread inclusive sex education for all.


Love From Our Fans & Followers…

You have really opened my eyes about trans persons and
other people who identify within the LGBTQ+ community,
among other topics on your channel. Keep it up!

Get in Touch with Chase Cramer of ChaseinSexEd






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